Edona Energy Solutions
Wind Power for Commercial and
Residential Buildings with Minimal Noise

The cuboid-shaped 'building-integrated wind turbine'
can be mounted on buildings either horizontally or vertically,
without the need for tower support. This design leverages
the wind effects on buildings to generate sustainable power.



The increased external surface area of the buildings enhances
the wind collection
for the attached turbines, potentially
converting wind energy into power proportional to
the cube of the wind velocity

1 m/sec Cut-in Wind Speed

"The efficiency with minimal wind resistance"(E) and
"the wind effect on buildings" (B) of Edona turbines
can reduce the cut-in wind speed to as low as 1 m/sec
significantly lower than that of conventional turbines used today.

The efficiency with minimal wind resistance
The wind effect on buildings

This allows for continuous power generation even in cities with
low average wind speeds. The units can be installed on buildings
in urban settings, enabling energy self-sufficiency while also stabilizing
during high wind conditions by absorbing vibrations.
Multiple large unit installations can collectively form a wind farm,
harnessing abundant wind power.

*Cut-in wind speed: The minimum wind speed required to generate power

Average Wind Speed
and Its Impact on Wind Power


Central Park, NY
Average wind speed: 1984 - 2018

Flexible Design:
No Tower Support Needed


The sizes and dimensions of Edona turbines are
flexible and scalable. Multiple cuboid-form turbines
can be stacked on top of each other.


"The building-integrated wind turbine" can be
mounted on buildings either horizontally or vertically.